

Manufacturing, Research & Development

We endeavour to make Pure Life synonymous with quality.

The laboratory and top quality equipment in our Organic sugar mill at Mozambique allow us to explore new avenues and bring innovative ideas to life – be those the production process, in qualities of sugar or its marketing.

Our focus on process development and validation is crucial to ensuring that our products meet the highest standards of quality and consistency. We are constantly evaluating and upgrading them to achieve greater efficiency and improved quality.


Some key points of our Organic Sugar Mill and Estate in Mozambique are:

  • Our Organic Cane Plantation is Intercropped with Sun hemp, Mustard and Spinach.
  • Green mulch is a big part of the Organic programme as we believe in giving back to the soil what the crop has drawn from it.
  • Green mulch is supplemented with Organic approved Fertilizers to enhance soil fertility.
  • The health of the fields is micromanaged. Soil health is regularly tested for percentage of the Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus, Organic carbon and other micro nutrients
  • Fields are irrigated following the regular moisture and pH analysis of each plantation block.
  • Our sugar mill and warehouses comply with Good Manufacturing and Good Hygiene Practices.
  • Organic standards are completely adhered to during, pre and post production.
  • Production R&D involves development of additional products such as, Organic Jaggery, Organic Vinegar, Blend of Organic Molasses and Vinegar.